Jay Antonio Oliver, M.S
Data Specialist - Dr. McManamay
I am currently working in the McManamay Lab as a data specialist aiding with multiple projects in collaboration with various Ph.D. students. Areas in which I have worked in include landcover change, hydrologic model development and infrastructure data collection. For the landcover change project, I developed multiple multi-sector dynamic (MSD) land cover models for the United States for the years 2008, 2011, 2013, 2016, and 2019 which will be used to help predict how landcover might change up to the year 2100 based on shared socioeconomic pathway (SSP) scenarios. For the hydrologic model development, I helped extract and process geospatial, hydrologic and climate variables within the state of Texas. Lastly, for infrastructure data collection, I help maintain a webscraping tool developed to extract and process webcam livestream videos in areas nearby to Yellowstone national park. Additionally, I assisted in the development of a similar too that will be used within the state of Texas to help monitor the movement of wind turbines along major highways in the state.
B.S – Environmental Science and Policy - University of South Florida
M.S – Environmental Economics and Environmental Management - University of York