Research labs in Environmental Science are engaged in a wide variety of environmental and ecological toxicology projects, with a focus on aquatic environments and organisms (Aquatic Toxicology). Projects include the use of developmental, behavioral, molecular, reproductive, growth, and other endpoints to evaluate the toxicity of single compounds, complex chemical mixtures, and the interaction of natural and anthropogenic stressors. Research spans from molecular, in vitro, and in vivo, all the way up to communities and ecosystems.
*denotes student co-author
- Kim S, Stroski KM*, Killeen G*, Smitherman C, Simcik MF, Brooks BW. 2020. 8:8 perfluoroalkyl phosphinic acid affects neurobehavioral development, thyroid disruption, and DNA methylation in developing zebrafish. Science of the Total Environment 736: 139600.
- Saari GN*, Haddad SP*, Mole RM*, Hill BN*, Steele WB*, Lovin LM*, Chambliss CK, Brooks BW. 2020. Low dissolved oxygen increases uptake of a model calcium channel blocker and alters its effects on adult Pimephales promelas. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology and Pharmacology 231:108719
- Sims JL*, Burket SR*, Franco ME*, Lovin LM*, Scarlett KR*, Steenbeek R*, Chambliss CK, Ashcroft C, Luers M, Lavado R, Brooks BW. 2020. Pharmaceutical uptake kinetics in Rainbow Trout: In situ bioaccumulation in an effluent-dominated river influenced by snowmelt. Science of the Total Environment 736: 139603.
- Steele WB*, Kristofco LA*, Corrales J, Saari GN*, Corcoran EJ*, Hill BN*, Mills MG, Gallagher E, Kavanagh TJ, Melnikov F*, Zimmerman JB, Voutchkova-Kostal A, Anastas PT, Kostal J, Brooks BW. 2020. Towards less hazardous industrial compounds: coupling quantum mechanical computations, biomarker responses and behavioral profiles identify bioactivity of SN2 electrophiles in alternative vertebrate models. Chemical Research in Toxicology 33: 367-380.