Macarena Rojo, Ph.D.
Post-Doc Researcher - Dr. Lavado
Dr. Macarena Rojo joined the Lavado Lab as a Postdoc in July 2023, she is working on identifying significant alterations of biotransformation pathways associated with the chemical resistance to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), resulting from the rapid adaptation of Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis).
Dr. Rojo completed her studies at the National University of La Plata (UNLP) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She was awarded a scholarship from the National Research Council Scientific and Technical of Argentina (CONICET), to do her Ph.D. (2016-2021). Her doctoral research was focused on the study of the occurrence, bioaccumulation, and effects of human pharmaceuticals on Neotropical fish. Through her doctoral study, she did a research stay at the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA), in Spain. From 2018 to 2022, she was a Member of the Board of Directors, in the category of student representative, in the Society for Environmental Chemistry and Technology (SETAC), Argentine Chapter. During her experience as a Ph.D. student, she was the winner of the student travel award to attend the SETAC Latin America, in 2017 in Brazil and the Young Environmental Scientists Meeting (YES)-SETAC in Belgium, in 2019.
As a Ph.D., in 2022, she was awarded the American Association of the University Women (AAUW) international postdoctoral fellowship, and in 2023 she was awarded the annual award “Cozzarelli Prize” of the National Academy of Sciences/Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), for the international collaboration on the study of pharmaceuticals in rivers.
At UNLP she was a teaching assistant in the subject of Ecotoxicology and Risk Assessment, (2020-2022) and an Assistant Professor at the University of San Antonio de Areco (UNSAdA), (2022).
Dr. Rojo presented her work at more than 10 national and international conferences and published several papers.